首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Applied Social Science Research >The Inspiration of American University's Strategic Planning on Chinese University's Comprehensive Reformation Planning - Case Study of Strategic Planning in University of Minnesota and Comprehensive Reformation Planning in Hohai University

The Inspiration of American University's Strategic Planning on Chinese University's Comprehensive Reformation Planning - Case Study of Strategic Planning in University of Minnesota and Comprehensive Reformation Planning in Hohai University

机译:美国大学综合改革规划战略规划的启示 - 明尼苏达大学战略规划案例研究,河海大学综合改革规划



strategic planning exerts great importance upon the development of Chinese universities. Through detailed analysis of strategic planning procedures in University of Minnesota, this paper concludes basic methods, experiences and inspirations from American universities' strategic planning. By utilizing these recommended methods, this papers tries to adopt the experiences and inspirations - emphasis on environmental scanning, regulating specialized planning priorities, cooperation among different teams, logical planning process, etc. into guiding Hohai University's comprehensive reformation planning. Through the construction of a logical diagram for Hohai University's comprehensive reformation, the author also shows the integrated and logical planning process and achievements.
机译:战略规划对中国大学的发展产生了重要意义。通过详细分析明尼苏达大学战略规划程序,本文缔结​​了美国大学战略规划的基本方法,经验和启示。通过利用这些推荐的方法,这篇论文试图采用经验和启示 - 强调环境扫描,规范专业规划优先事项,不同团队的合作,逻辑规划过程等。指导河海大学的综合改革规划。通过建设荷海大学综合改革的逻辑图,作者还展示了综合和逻辑规划过程和成就。



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