首页> 中文期刊> 《中国继续医学教育》 >注射用头孢西丁钠的不良反应分析




Objective To discuss the safety and adverse reactions of cefoxitin sodium injection. Methods 60 cases and 60 prescriptions were selected and the incidence of adverse reactions after injecting cefoxitin sodium were analyzed. Results Adverse reactions included 1 case of vomiting, 1 case of abdominal pain and diarrhea, 8 cases of allergy, 1 case of fever, 1 case of headache, 3 cases of vascular pain, and among which 12 cases were combined with Reduning injection and its total incidence was 30.00%(12/40), 3 cases were combined with Ambroxo injection and its total incidence was 21.43% (3/14). Conclusion Cefoxitin sodium injection can cause allergies, fever, gastrointestinal discomfort and other adverse reactions, so before the medication and allergy tests and experimental combination therapy should be run strictly. In the medication process we should pay close attention to the patient's response, when severe adverse reactions occur we must immediately stop the medication.%目的:探讨注射用头孢西丁钠的安全性和不良反应。方法病例60张,处方60张,分析注射头孢西丁钠后发生的不良反应比率。结果本组研究中,用药不良反应包括呕吐1例,腹痛腹泻1例,过敏8例,发热1例,头痛1例,血管痛3例。其中包括合并热毒宁注射液发生不良反应发生呕吐1例,过敏7例,发热1例,头痛1例,血管痛2例,总发生率为30.00%(12/40);合并氨溴索针发生不良反应情况为,腹痛腹泻1例,过敏1例,血管痛1例,总比例为21.43(3/14)。合并其他药物无不良反应发生。结论注射用头孢西丁钠可发生过敏、发热、胃肠道不适等的不良反应,用药前应严格按照要求,并进行过敏性试验和联合用药实验,用药过程中密切关注患者反应,不良反应剧烈时立即停止用药。



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