首页> 中文期刊> 《中国社会医学杂志》 >苏州市高校师生器官捐献的认知状况调查




目的 了解苏州市高校师生对器官捐献的认知、态度及主要的影响因素,为开展人体器官捐献试点工作提供参考.方法 以问卷调查形式,对苏州市部分高校师生进行器官(或遗体)捐献的认知度现状调查.结果 所调查的475名对象中器官捐献愿意率为52.2%,其中汉族高于其他少数民族(P=0.033);大学师生对器官捐献相关知识知晓率较低,其中医学相关专业师生略高于非医学类专业;高校师生获取相关知识主要途径中,广播电视59.4%、网络57.1%、学校教育22.7%、医护人员宣传8.6%;60.4%的调查对象认为捐献器官可以赐予他人生存条件,延续自己生命;传统文化和观念的束缚、不了解捐献程序和法规、担心医学不合理应用等是目前导致师生不愿意捐献的主要原因.结论 苏州市高校师生总体愿意捐献率较高,但相关捐献知识仍有待于进一步提高,今后在高校素质教育中,可以聘请工作在器官捐献一线的医疗护理人员深入校园对师生进行系统全面的知识宣教.%Objectives To investigate the cognition,attitude and influencing factors of organ donation in Suzhou college teachers and students,and to provide references for pilot program of human organ donation in Suzhou.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among teachers and students from different colleges in Suzhou.Results The willingness rate of organ donation was 52.2% among 475 respondents.And in term of nation,the donation rate of responders of Han ethnicity were high than other minorities(P=0.033).College teachers and students knew little about the knowledge of the organ donation,with medical students slightly better than non medical students.The main access to related knowledge about organ donation were:TV broadcasting(59.4%),network(57.1%),college education(22.7%),the propaganda from health care personnel(8.6%).60.4% of responders believed that organ donation could give others living condition and continue their lives.The main factors influencing organ donation were traditional culture and ideas,being less clear about body donation procedures and regulations,and worried about unreasonable use of donated organs.Conclusions The overall willingness of teachers and students in Suzhou colleges is high,but knowledge of organ donation still need to be further improved.In future school education,medical staff working in the organ donation line should be invited into campus,to help teachers and students learn more related knowledge.



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