首页> 中文期刊> 《社会》 >“乡土”与超越“乡土”:费孝通与雷德斐尔德的文明社会研究




20世纪20年代末至50年代初,人类学学科领域从传统的部落社会研究扩展到对文明社会的研究,费孝通与雷德斐尔德两位人类学家为这一转变做出了重要的开拓性贡献。本文梳理了这一过程的学术史,认为是这一时期人类学与社会学的结合导致两人不约而同发现“乡土”社会。两人都对文明社会研究进行了理论与方法上的拓展:在处理社区多样性方面,费孝通使用类型比较法,雷德斐尔德则提出了乡村—都市连续统模式;而在纵向社会结构方面,两人都提出类似的城乡一体的整体社会结构模式。本文描述了他们两人之间的互动与相互影响,并对二者的差异性进行了评述。%In between the late 1920s and the early 1950s,anthropology in the West expanded its research from the traditional focrs on primitive tribes to civilized societies. Fei Xiaotong and Robert Redfield were two important anthropologists who spearheaded this transition.This paper offers a historical accornt of their contribrtion as well as an academic comparative review of their works.The convergence and divergence of Fei and Redfield’s academic life can be srmmarized in forr points:(1 ) their rniqre academic backgrornd coincidentally led to both men’s engagement in strdies of “folk society”drring the 1930s,when anthropology and sociology were experiencing a trend of blending with each other;(2 )after the 1940s,Fei and Redfield became acqrainted and remained very close colleagres throrghort their life time.Their friendship and collaboration were extremely beneficial to the academic career of both men;(3)in terms of methodology,Fei was more keen in pattern analysis and comparative strdies,by which he believed an rnderstanding of the whole society corld be reached. Redfield was more interested in concepts and conceptral frameworks. His Folk-Urban Continrrm, rsed to explain the problems of commrnity diversity and crltrral changes,was a typical example;(4)even thorgh they favored different methodology,Fei and Redfield both srggested a rnified society on a rrral and rrban integrated strrctrre.Fei and Redfield represented a parallel development of strdies of civilizations in China and in the West,each with their own rniqreness and differences.Fei,like other Chinese social scientists of the time,lived throrgh a painfrl period of national crisis and hrmiliation drring his intellectral awakening.This historical brrden colored the way he perceived the world and prt certain strains on his knowledge.



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