首页> 中文期刊> 《淡水渔业》 >三角帆蚌养殖池塘浮游植物群落时空动态及其多样性指数




Temporal and spatial patterns of phytoplankton community were analyzed in the pond of Hyriopsis cumingii, Water quality of the reservoir was also assessed using phytoplankton cell density and biodiversity indices .Results showed that Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta accounted for 44.07%and 16.95%of all the genus respectively.There was great sea-sonal and monthly variation in phytoplankton assemblage composition , cell density and biodiversity indices.In autumn, Chlorophyta was dominant , Bacillariophyta was dominant in spring and winter , whereas Cyanophyta was dominant in sum-mer and autumn.The phytoplankton density reached the maximum in autumn , while the lowest value was in winter; The phytoplankton density reached the maximum of 21.12 ×106 cells/L in April, fouowed by 13.68 ×106 cells/L in Novem-ber.The correlation coefficients between Shannon -Wiener and Simpson , Pielou were 0.934 , 0.678 , 0.858 respective-ly.All the datas, including cell density, biodiversity indices and the density dominant phytoplankton phyla (Chlorophyta, Cryptophyta , Cyanophyta ) , indicated that this pond had medium level pollution.The research demonstrated the potential to use phytoplankton community and its biodiversity indices to monitor water quality in the pond of H.cumingii.%通过对某一套养有青鱼、鲢和草鱼的2.4 hm2三角帆蚌( Hyriopsis cumingii)养殖池塘2011-2012年的水质和浮游植物调查,分析了浮游植物群落的时空动态,同时运用细胞密度及群落多样性指数等进行了水质综合评价。调查结果显示,浮游植物群落组成中绿藻44.07%,其次是硅藻(16.95%);浮游植物群落结构、密度及生物多样性指数都具有明显的季节和月份变化特征。绿藻种类数在秋季最多,硅藻种类数在冬季和春季最多,而蓝藻种类数在夏秋季最多,隐藻种类数在秋季最多;浮游植物细胞密度秋季>春季>夏季>冬季。4月份密度最大,达21.12×106 cells/L,其次是11月份,达到13.68×106 cells/L;整个冬季和春季的3月份浮游植物密度偏低;11次采样获得的 Shannon -Wiener 指数( H′)与 Simpson 指数( D )、 Pielou 指数( J )的相关性系数分别达0.934、0.858,说明都具有显著相关性。综合浮游植物细胞密度、多样性指数及污染程度指示种类分析结果,说明该养殖水体处于中污状态。本研究对于利用浮游植物监测三角帆蚌养殖池塘水质综合状况及进行生态评价提供了依据。



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