


“绘事后素”典出《周礼·考工记》:“凡画繢之事,后素功”,是古代一种普遍的绘画工艺规范。《论语·八佾》中,子夏问诗,孔子以“绘事后素”为喻言礼,古人注释多以“先素质”或“后素功”为争论的焦点,并未对“素”做出清晰且详致的解析。通过对先秦绘画工艺中“素功”的考证以及相关文本具体语境的分析可知,“素功”实为用“极色(传统多用黑、白两色)”点、勒、勾、描,以修整画面的一种手法。孔子以“素”喻“礼”,指出“仁”是“礼”的核心内容,“礼”是“仁”的终极目标。%"Painting after Simplicity"is a kind of common painting process specification in ancient China, which is from the say-ing"Anything about painting is after simplicity"in Zhou Li· Kao Gong Ji.In Lun Yu· Ba Qiao, Zi Xia asked about poem, Confucius used"Painting after Simplicity"as a metaphor.The previous scholars always argued around "quality first"or "work behind", and there were not clear and detailed interpretation about"Su".This article makes a textual research for Pre-Qin paint-ing process and analysis on the specific context of the relevant texts.The study points out that the"Su Gong"is a dressing meth-od using extremely colors, traditionally using black and white, to point, pull, trace, or mend, etc.Confucius compared "sim-plicity"to"etiquette"in order to indicating that"benevolence"is the core of "etiquette", and"etiquette"is the ultimate goal of"benevolence".



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