首页> 中文期刊> 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 >汉日“鬼”词语的隐喻表达对比研究




Chinese word“gui”and Japanese word“oni”is the same word“Gui”in writing .Both in Chinese and Japanese ,figurative meanings of the expressions related to “Gui”are frequently applied in communica-tions instead of its original meanings .Yet ,the extended meanings of the word“Gui”in Chinese and Japa-nese share much in common despite its distinctive features respectively .It is found that (1) the word“Gui”in Chinese has more derogatory senses than in Japanese ;(2) this word implies derogatory “hatred”in many situations and has strong negative meanings in Chinese ,but not in Japanese;(3) in Chinese the word“Gui”is adopted dominantly as affixes for derogatory meanings and this tendency continues obvious-ly .Results analysis suggest that similarities ,differences or lexical gaps about the meaning of “Gui”in Chi-nese and Japanese should be mostly attributed to cultural distinctions .Improper translation and misuses could be avoided if cultural differences are taken into account .%  汉语和日语里,“鬼”这个字的写法是一模一样的,只是读音不同。而且有关“鬼”的词在汉语和日语里都多用其比喻义,很少使用“鬼”的本义。汉日“鬼”词语的引申义,既有许多相同之处,也有各自的特点。从认知视角对汉日“鬼”词语的引申义,特别是隐喻用法加以对比研究,可以发现汉语“鬼”词语的贬义用法比日语“鬼”词语的贬义用法多。尤其是表示“讨厌”的贬义用法多。汉语里有强烈的否定意义的用法,而日语则没有。另外,汉语“鬼”的词缀贬义用法比日语丰富得多,更有发展的趋势。这就要求我们在跨文化交际过程中,考虑不同语言间的文化差异,准确地理解汉日“鬼”词语的引申义,从而避免因母语负迁移而造成的误译、误用现象。



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