首页> 中文期刊> 《绵阳师范学院学报》 >用神话装点的诗意空间——《板桥晓别》的神话蕴藉




Farewell on the Wooden Bridge, one of Li Shangyin's poems, creates not only a sad and blurred atmosphere, but also a fantastic and gorgeous poetic flavor. The wonderful myth, full of fancy and romantic sentimental tone, relieves the poet's great pressure from the real world, so it is the artistic expression of his living condition. Tile value order in the myth, contrary to that of the real world, is constructed in accordance with the poeth free will and reveals his rich and sensitive emotion and his noble and straight personality. The poet insists on his independerce in spirit in life and listens to the reasonable and romantic literature voice inherited from great scholars as Qu Yuan, Li Key Bai and Li He, etc%李商隐《板桥晓别》诗营造了凄艳、迷离的氛围,用神话典故虚拟了一个奇幻绚丽的诗意空间,优美的神话典事消解了来自现实生活强大的压力感,充满了轻松浪漫的情趣,李商隐在晚唐颓流中保持了自主的立场,神话世界所体现的价值序列是诗人按照自由意志建构起来的,完全与世俗的价值观相悖离的,展示了诗人丰富灵敏的心灵场及高洁伟岸的人格。是诗人生存状态的艺术化表现,延续了屈原、李白、李贺等人理性而浪漫的文学精神。



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