首页> 中文期刊> 《原生态民族文化学刊》 >明星广告、“赫耳墨斯”与田野报告人:合作民族志的一种可能




The authority of the ethnography and its creditability were built on the authors'" sense of being there". In the views of Vincent. Crapanzano, the ethnography and its authors are like " Hermes" in the ancient Greek mythology, who promises not to lie, but does not promise to tell all the truth. Before the rise of reflective anthropology, people were more likely to treat the reporters as Hermes in anthropology. Reflective anthropology originated from the relationship between the researcher and the fieldwork reporter, the interaction of their positions and the reflections during the fieldwork period. With the fieldwork experience in Nujiang area, the author tries ro explain the probability of cothnography under the modernity context.%在人类学的民族志方法中,民族志的权威与作品的可信性都建立在民族志作者的“在场感”上。温森特·克拉潘扎诺认为,民族志作品及其作者就像是古希腊神话中的“赫耳墨斯”,承诺绝不说谎,但也不承诺说出全部的真相。在反思人类学兴起以前,人们似乎更愿意将民族志调查中的田野报告人看成是人类学的“赫耳墨斯”。而反思人类学的勃兴,源起于对民族志调查过程中,民族志调查者与田野报告人关系、位置的互动与反思。通过怒江的田野调查经历,试图说明在现代性语境下合作民族志的一种可能,以及如何可能的。



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