首页> 中文期刊> 《台州学院学报》 >中美两国大学数学系课程设计之比较研究--以美国孟菲斯大学数学系和台州学院数学系为例




The high education of America and China is continuously concerned and studied by our government, e-ducational organizations, and even by normal people. An authoritative survey shows that the number of Chinese oversea students in the United States has reached 304040 in 2015, and this number is continuously growing. In the past five years, China is the biggest country which has sent the most oversea students to U.S.A. In this pa-per, the differences of curriculum design of math departments of Taizhou University and The University of Mem-phis are discussed. The result shows that the curriculum of University of Memphis is more comprehensive and consistent than Taizhou University. Both curriculum designs cover almost all branches of mathematics, but the curriculum in the university of Memphis is research oriented and Taizhou University is application oriented.%中美两国的高等教育一直是政府、教育机构甚至是全国人民热切关注的问题,据官方统计2014/15学年,中国大陆赴美留学生达到304040人,连续5年中国成为向美国输送留学生最多的国家。我们就台州学院和美国孟菲斯大学的数学系课程设置进行研究,同时也对两所大学数学教育在师资队伍、专业课程设置的差别进行分析。结果显示孟菲斯大学的课程设置全面,基本覆盖数学各分支,连贯性强,科研型和应用性特点明显;台州学院课程设置比较单薄,虽然涉及了数学研究的各大方向但不够深入,但注重教学实践环节,教学与应用性特点比较突出。



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