首页> 中文期刊> 《厦门理工学院学报》 >厦门文学产业化开发的问题与对策




R & D and commercialization of cultural industries is a driving force for the literary development in Xiamen, and is the key for an enlarged and strengthened literature of Xiamen. At present in Xiamen , the awareness about literature-resources is quite dim, understanding of developing and commercializing literature in Xiamen is poor and links missing, and literary talents flow out. Literature should make efforts to create high-quality works so as to enable the brands grow and the industrial links connected. We should accelerate the development of derivatives for an excellent industry, encourage non-government investment and strengthen government-industry-study-research cooperation, make a big push to upgrade in industrial talent cultivation. It requires an all out approach to promote effectively the development of Xiamen literature and the cultural industry.%文学产业化开发,是厦门文学发展繁荣的不竭动力,更是厦门文化产业做大做强的关键所在。目前,厦门文学资源意识淡薄,文学产业化开发认识较为肤浅,产业化链条缺位,资源外流现象严重,产业人才储备不足。厦门文学应以打造精品为突破口,壮大品牌实力;完善产业链布局,加快衍生品开发;建立良好产业生态,鼓励和促进民间投资;加强政产学研合作,大力推进产业人才培养,多管齐下,有效推动自身与文化产业的快速发展。



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