首页> 中文期刊> 《徐州工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 >论太虚大师对抗战与守戒的调适




In order to adapt to the actual needs of the monks and nuns to resist against Japanese ,Mas‐ter Tai Xu ,from the perspective of moral principles ,made some necessary amendment to the Buddhist precepts such as ahimsa ,noninterference ,non‐participation in the army etc ..He believed that the war launched by a handful of Japanese militarists would be doomed to failure and the Chinese people would ob‐tain the final victory .Therefore ,he showed great political enthusiasm in the resistance war and mobilized hundreds of thousands of the monks and nuns engaging in rescue ,nursing care and body burial .In this way ,he intertwines the fate of Chinese Buddhism closely with the national destiny to seek for the religious development in the nation's revitalization .%太虚大师从义理的角度对不杀生、不干政、不入军阵等佛教的基本戒律进行了必要的调整,以使其能适应僧尼参加抗日的实际需要。他依据《瑜伽菩萨戒本》等对不杀生戒进行了必要的调适,在反抗日本帝国主义侵略的活动中,表现出极高的政治热情。太虚大师从佛教重视慈悲的立场出发,调动了出家僧尼保卫民族、参加抗战的积极性,数十万出家僧尼在抗日战场上从事救伤、护理和掩埋阵亡将士尸骸的工作,将中国佛教的命运与民族的兴亡紧密结合在一起,在民族的振兴中谋求自身的发展。



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