首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >论郑钦安的阴阳平衡观及其源流




Objective]To summarize and clarify the view on Yin and Yang of Zheng Qin-An ,in order to deepen the study on fire-spirit school. [Method]Read the related works of Chen Xiu-Yuan, Liu Yuan, Zheng Qin ’An, Lu ZhuZhi, etc, as wel as related research papers of modern researchers. Then we summarize the view on Yin and Yang of Zheng Qin-An, as wel as it ’s resources and evolution. [Result] Zheng Qin-An advocated the balance of Yin and Yang, didn’t admire Yang and despise Yin. He also had no preference on Yang aided medicine. Zheng Qin-An ’s view on Yin and Yang mainly was affected by Liu Yuan, and significantly different from Chen Xiu-Yuan. Lu Zhu-Zhi inherited the academic point of view of Zheng Qin-An and made some significant changes. After that, fire-spirit school only emphasized the importance of Yang Qi. Developed to the extreme, some fire-spirit school scholars held that al patients were Yang deficiency and al prescriptions should aid Yang Qi. These views had deviated significantly from its founding fathers. [Conclusion]Zheng Qin-An advocated the balance of Yin and Yang, but his successor ’s only emphasis on the importance of Yang Qi, was contrary to the original intention of Zheng Qin-An.%[目的]探析郑钦安的阴阳观及其源流,加深对火神派思想的研究。[方法]阅读陈修园、刘沅、郑钦安、卢铸之等人著作,并参考当代研究成果,分析郑钦安的阴阳观及其来源与流变。[结果]郑氏在阴阳关系上,主阴阳平衡观,并无明显的“贵阳贱阴”论调,用药也不偏主扶阳。郑氏的阴阳观,主要受刘沅影响,与陈修园差异很大。其后卢氏宗之,并加以发展,将“以水火立极”的郑氏“火神派”,演化成为“以火立极”的卢氏“火神派”。极其弊也,论病皆谓阳虚,用药偏爱温热,这已明显偏离郑氏的初衷。[结论]郑钦安在阴阳关系上,主要持阴阳平衡观,后学未得其全,独重阳气,偏爱温热,实违郑氏本意。



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