首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江艺术职业学院学报》 >京房易学的纳甲、 纳支法及其阴阳五行与'六十律' 的生律法

京房易学的纳甲、 纳支法及其阴阳五行与'六十律' 的生律法



Jing Fang' s Yi-ology related the yin and yang and five elements of the Western Han dynasty with divina-tion, and included the lunar five elements and twelve temperaments in divination. From the yin and yang character of twelve temperaments and the temperaments producing law with an interval of eight notes applied in na-zhi theory, the temperament producing law is "ruibin xiasheng way"; Jing Fang deduced sixty temperaments from twelve tempera-ments with "ruibin chong shangsheng way". Although Jing Fang' s Yi-ology on temperament is primarily used for as-trology, climate accounting, accounting for age, physical accounting, etc., it both objectively extracts and concludes traditional music temperaments, but also explores problems of "huangzhong back to the beginning" and makes a breakthrough.%京房易学将西汉时的阴阳五行说与易卦联系起来, 将干支五行与十二律纳入易卦. 从其中十二律的阴阳属性以及纳支法所采用的隔八相生法来看, 其生律方式采用的是 "蕤宾下生法"; 而京房由十二律推演出的六十律则采用 "蕤宾重上生法". 虽然京房易学中有关音律的研究的主要是为星占、 气候占、 岁时占、 物占等占测所用, 但它客观上既有对传统乐律的吸取与归纳, 又有对 "黄钟返始"、 "旋相为宫" 问题的探索与突破.



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