


There are many researches about Deng Xiaoping's thoughts, but the research of his thoughts in his later years is very few. After Deng Xiaoping's official retirement, he still paid close attention to the construction of our party, and to the development of the third generation of central collective leadership. His profound insights, especially those in economic, politics, spiritual civilization, social development, science and technology culture, and diplomacy are very important to China socialist construction. To study Deng Xiaoping's thoughts in his later years has important practical and historical significance for our better understanding of Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought of " Three Represents", improving our consciousness of learning theory and practice, and confirming our socialist belief in the cause of building socialism with Chi- nese characteristics.%关于邓小平思想的研究很多,但是关于邓小平正式退休后的思想研究较少。邓小平正式退休后,仍然关注着党的建设事业,关注着第三代中央领导集体的成长。特别是他关于经济、政治、精神文明、社会发展、科技文化、外交等方面均有自己深刻的见解,并对我国社会主义建设具有重要的指导意义。研究邓小平晚年思想,对于完整准确地理解邓小平理论,加深对"三个代表"重要思想的理解,提高学习理论和实践的自觉性,坚定社会主义事业的信念,建设具有中国特色社会主义,具有十分重要的现实意义和历史意义。



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