首页> 外文期刊>Academy of management learning & education >The Graduate Managementadmission Test (gmat) Is Evenrnmore Valid Than We Thought:rna New Development In Meta-rnanalysis And Its Implicationsrnfor The Validity Of The Gmat

The Graduate Managementadmission Test (gmat) Is Evenrnmore Valid Than We Thought:rna New Development In Meta-rnanalysis And Its Implicationsrnfor The Validity Of The Gmat


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Recent research in the field of meta-analysis has provided a procedure of improved accuracy to correct for range restriction, which allows for more accurate calibrations of the validities of various admission and selection tools. For illustrative purposes, we reanalyzed the database meta-analyzed by Kuncel, Crede, and Thomas (2007) on the validity of the GMAT and found that the validity of the GMAT has been underestimated by 7% due to the application of suboptimal range-restriction corrections. These findings have important implications for both researchers and practitioners in the field of education and learning, who should choose and use the most accurate methods available in an effort to accurately estimate validity and to ensure educational resources are targeted at those most likely to benefit.rnMeta-analysis, a method for quantitatively combining and summarizing results reported from individual studies, has radically changed how researchers analyze and interpret their research findings (Hunter & Schmidt, 2004). By means of meta-analysis, researchers are able to answer important questions about issues and phenomena in many fields, including medicine, business, and education.



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