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Social media:Influence or control?


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Accounting firms are not exempt from the influence of social networking and social media. The questions firms face are: Is it better to control or influence social networking? And how can social media help accelerate business? I believe firms should make every effort to influence social media and forget about try- ing to control how employees use them. What follows is a presentation of the facts and why I believe exerting influence is the only logical economic alternative. How information is communicated and consumed has changed drastically in recent years. At one time, most of the world's infor- mation was controlled by a few and distributed to millions, but the Internet has caused publishers to radically rework their business models. Because of e-mail, firms conduct business differently than they did 10 years ago. It won't take long for today's emerging social media to become critical in helping firms communicate with precision to clients and prospects.



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