首页> 外文期刊>空気調和·衛生工学会論文集 >エネルギー監視データを利用した空調設備の異常検知システムの開発と検証:第2報——異常検知システムの試行導入結果と改良内容



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エネルギーの見える化については,BEMSの普及によって広く浸透してきている。し かしながら,それらのデータが有効に活用されているとは言い難い状況にある。このよ うな課題を解決するためにエネルギー監視データを利用した空調設備の異常検知シ ステムの開発を進めている。このシステムは,空調設備関連機器の温度,流量,エネルギ ー消費量等のエネルギー監視データを活用し,空調設備の不適切な運転や機器劣化に よるエネルギー浪費の早期発見及び,設備更新時期の適切な判断を目的としている。本 報では,開発した異常検知システムを13棟の実物件に試行運用した結果について,物件 概要,異常検知の結果,異常検知ソフトの改良内容について報告する。%Synopsis : With a view toward achieving further energy conservation in office buildings, the data visualization system of a BEMS has drawn much interest in recent years. However, the utilization of stored data for daily maintenance has not been satisfactory so far because of the lack of users with skilled data analysis. The purpose of this study is to develop a fault detection system that can detect faults in an air-conditioning system, especially for a heat source and provide useful information to building administrators who seek to rationalize daily operation management to achieve goals such as energy conservation. This paper describes trial results and suggests improvements to the fault detection system from the obtained data. A series of trial operations were performed using this system in 13 office buildings located in Chubu district. Most of the air-conditioning systems that were installed in these buildings were HVAC systems with water thermal storage. The effectiveness of the fault detections system was verified through trial, and several faults that prevent energy conservation were detected precisely by the system. Based on the trial results, some improvements of the software for the fault detection system were suggested.



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