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Almarin, a Spanish manufacturer of aids to navigation, has completed the design and turn-key supply of aids to navigation for Puerto Brisa (La Guajira, Colombia). The company provided 14 buoys: twelve lateral marks, one safe water mark and one special mark.AII buoys, from its'Guia' range, were provided with self-contained lights equipped with satellite monitoring. The G2200T model was used for the channel dredged at 17m and the G2400T was selected for its additional volume in the open water marks. To help navigate the approach and channel, a sector light was installed on a 30m high tower 1500m inland, providing precise information to the ship's lateral position with regards to the center of the channel. The project has a 2500m long channel that provides access to a turning basin and quay. There is no protection from the natural elements and the dredged channel is less than 250m wide, with regular strong trade winds. The information provided by the navigational aids is critical for a safe access to port. Puerto Brisa is a newly built port located in the northern coast of Colombia, in the municipality of Dibulla (La Guajira). Designed initially as a coal port, it benefits from being a free trade zone and is strategically placed to become one of the most important ports on the Colombian Caribbean coast.
机译:西班牙航海辅助设备制造商Almarin已完成为布里萨港(哥伦比亚拉瓜希拉省)设计和提供交钥匙的航海辅助设备。该公司提供了14个浮标:12个侧向标记,1个安全水位标记和1个特殊标记.'Guia'系列的AII浮标配有独立照明设备,配有卫星监控装置。 G2200T模型用于在17m处疏dr的航道,而G2400T因其在开放水域中的额外容积而被选择。为了帮助导航进近和航道,在30m高的塔架(内陆1500m)上安装了一个扇形灯,向船舶提供有关航道中心的横向位置的精确信息。该项目有一条2500m长的通道,可通往转弯盆地和码头。没有天然元素的保护,疏channel的航道小于250m宽,经常有强风。助航设备提供的信息对于安全进入港口至关重要。布里萨港是位于哥伦比亚北部海岸迪布拉(La Guajira)市的新建港口。它最初被设计为煤炭港口,并从自由贸易区中受益,并且在战略上已成为哥伦比亚加勒比海沿岸最重要的港口之一。



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