首页> 外文期刊>Cadernos de Saúde Pública >Estudo Longitudinal sobre Estilo de Vida e Saúde em Estudantes Universitários (ELESEU): delineamento, procedimentos metodológicos e resultados preliminaresEstudio Longitudinal sobre el Estilo de Vida y la Salud de Estudiantes Universitarios (ELESEU): dise

Estudo Longitudinal sobre Estilo de Vida e Saúde em Estudantes Universitários (ELESEU): delineamento, procedimentos metodológicos e resultados preliminaresEstudio Longitudinal sobre el Estilo de Vida y la Salud de Estudiantes Universitarios (ELESEU): dise




Admission to a university may cause significant changes in the pattern of exposure to health risks. The aim of this paper is to describe the study design and methodological procedures adopted in the Longitudinal Study on the Lifestyle and Health of University Students (ELESEU). This study examines a dynamic cohort of full-time students at a public university in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. This research, which started in 2015, will have four years of follow-up and is scheduled to end in 2018. A self-administered questionnaire is applied, containing questions regarding demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, and information on health conditions and risk factors such as lifestyle, perceived stress, symptoms of depression, body image, risk behaviors for eating disorders, self-assessment of health and diet quality, and other issues related to nutrition and health. Anthropometric and blood pressure measurements are also recorded. Two 24-hour dietary recalls and cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose capillary measurements are collected in 50% of the students. In 2015, 495 participants (82.6% of the eligible students) were assessed in the baseline study. Of these, 348 (70.3%) were followed up in 2016. In 2016, 566 participants were included in the cohort (81% of the eligible students). This study will help to identify the factors that might influence changes in the nutritional, health, and metabolic status of young adults during college life.
机译:入读大学可能会导致健康风险暴露方式发生重大变化。本文的目的是描述大学生生活方式与健康纵向研究(ELESEU)中采用的研究设计和方法程序。这项研究调查了巴西马托格罗索州一所公立大学全日制学生的动态队列。这项研究于2015年开始,将进行为期四年的跟踪研究,并计划于2018年结束。将使用一份自我管理的问卷,其中包含有关人口统计和社会经济特征的问题,以及有关健康状况和风险因素的信息,例如生活方式,感觉到的压力,抑郁症状,身体形象,饮食失调的危险行为,健康状况和饮食质量的自我评估以及其他与营养健康相关的问题。还记录人体测量和血压测量。在50%的学生中收集了两次24小时的饮食召回以及胆固醇,甘油三酸酯和葡萄糖毛细血管测量值。 2015年,基线研究评估了495名参与者(占合格学生的82.6%)。其中,2016年有348(70.3%)位患者得到了随访。2016年,该队列中包括566名参与者(占合格学生的81%)。这项研究将有助于确定可能影响大学生活中年轻人营养,健康和代谢状况变化的因素。



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