首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Engineering Research >Read Aloud Instructional Strategy: A Basis for Sustainable Literature Learning In Our Schools

Read Aloud Instructional Strategy: A Basis for Sustainable Literature Learning In Our Schools




Literature is fundamental to sustainable development, as it makes learning of language andmodeling of behaviour easier; the two important instruments that facilitate human development. However, inNigeria, literature is neither taught in all primary and secondary schools nor being considered as a compulsoryrequirement before admission into many universities. (Umar, 2018). Consequently, many students erroneouslyperceived literature is not a difficult subject, an action causing dislike ness to the subject and poor literacy skillsamong Nigerian children, which could be attributed to the way and manner the literature is being taught in ourschools. Therefore, an attempt has been made in surveying some primary schools where it was discovered thatmany teachers do not use read aloud strategy as a means of inculcating the desire for literature into the mindsof Nigerian children in order to facilitate reading culture in them. Without developed reading culture, effectivelearning seems to be difficult and without learning there could hardly be any sustainable development, Toachieve this, the paper reviewed concepts such as literature, reading, read aloud and recommends forcompulsory teaching of literature right from primary schools and the need for sensitisation to the primaryschool teachers to enhance awareness on read aloud strategy.
机译:文学是可持续发展的基础,因为它使学习语言和行为模式变得更加容易。促进人类发展的两个重要工具。但是,在尼日利亚,文学并没有在所有中小学教授,也没有被视为进入许多大学之前的必修课。 (2018年3月,Umar)。因此,许多学生错误地认识文学不是一门难事,这会引起对该学科的厌恶和尼日利亚儿童识字能力的下降,这可能归因于我们学校教授文学的方式和方式。因此,尝试对一些小学进行调查,结果发现许多教师没有将朗读策略用作灌输尼日利亚儿童心中对文学的渴望的手段,以促进其中的阅读文化。没有发达的阅读文化,有效的学习似乎很困难,没有学习就很难有可持续的发展。为此,本文回顾了文学,阅读等概念,大声朗读,并建议从小学强制性地进行文学教学,并提出了必要的建议。对小学教师进行宣传,以提高他们对朗读策略的认识。



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