首页> 外文期刊>Solar-Terrestrial Physics >Waves from the Sun: to the 100th anniversary of V.A. Troitskaya’s birth

Waves from the Sun: to the 100th anniversary of V.A. Troitskaya’s birth




It has been one hundred years since the birth of the outstanding scientist Professor V.A. Troitskaya. Her remarkable achievements in solar-terrestrial physics are widely known. For many years, Valeria A. Troitskaya was the President of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. This article deals with only one aspect of the multifaceted creative activity of V.A. Troitskaya. It relates to the problem of sources of ultra-low frequency (ULF) electromagnetic oscillations and waves outside Earth’s magnetosphere. We were fortunate to work under the leadership of V.A. Troitskaya on this problem. In this paper, we briefly describe the history from the emergence of the idea of the extramagnetospheric origin of dayside permanent ULF oscillations in the late 1960s to the modern quest made by ground and satellite means for ULF waves excited by solar surface oscillations propagating in the interplanetary medium and reaching Earth.
机译:自杰出科学家V.A.教授诞生以来已有一百年了。 Troitskaya。她在日地物理学中的杰出成就广为人知。多年来,瓦莱里亚·A·特洛伊茨卡娅(Valeria A. Troitskaya)担任国际地磁与航空学协会主席。本文仅涉及V.A.的多方面创意活动的一个方面。 Troitskaya。它涉及地球磁层以外的超低频(ULF)电磁振荡和波源的问题。我们很幸运在V.A.的领导下工作。 Troitskaya在这个问题上。在本文中,我们简要描述了历史,从1960年代后期的日间永久性ULF磁外层起源的想法到地面和卫星手段对由行星际传播的太阳表面振荡激发的ULF波进行的现代探索的历史媒介到达地球。



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