首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >Ethnography and Emotions: Cultural Intelligence Applied to Motherhood Migration Process

Ethnography and Emotions: Cultural Intelligence Applied to Motherhood Migration Process




In the first part, the theoretical basis of the theory of emotional intelligence and convenience intercultural training for immigrant women are exposed and that they can better adapt to the environment from a general and theoretical point of view. Then we serve authors who since the 90s as P. , Fernandez et al (1997) investigating the relationship between culture and emotion, that is, how the assimilation of a culture allows individuals some emotional filters to interpret reality and how certain cultures even allow emotional control (Mesquita, 2003) by supernatural and mystical references. Then we attend the practical part following the detailed exposition of a unique case in terms of a qualitative field study with immigrant Muslim women to Spain. This case, called instrumentally unique case, is an exemplification of how a culture can lead itself own emotional complication for individuals. This makes more sense to have the convenience of a basic emotional education for immigrants and provide them with other references about the most rational reality to suit her motherhood, to new country women, etc. without losing or threatening the essence of their culture.



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