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Lipid keratopathy and septal abscess: Case report




Rationale: Epistaxis is a common otorhinolaryngological emergency, but septal abscess has not been reported before as a complication of epistaxis . Patient concerns: We report a case of a 51-year-old man complaining of nasal obstruction and facial numbness for 3 weeks. He had a history of epistaxis , and had been treated with electrocauterization of the left nasal septum at a local clinic 1 month earlier. Diagnoses: On nasal endoscopy, swelling of the septum was noticed; computed tomography (CT) was performed, and revealed a septal abscess . Interventions: The patient was treated with incision and drainage under local anesthesia. A left vertical hemitransfixion incision was made and 4 mL of purulent material was drained. There was no quadrangular septal cartilage. Outcomes: On the 5th postoperative day, the patient complained of blurred vision in his right eye. Visual acuity of the left eye was 0.5, but acuity of the right eye was finger count at 50 cm. Examination of the right eye revealed a whitish fan-shaped corneal opacity on the medial side with neovascularization, diagnostic of lipid keratopathy . Conclusion: Electrocautery of epistaxis should be performed carefully during hemostasis, and there should be careful follow-up after the procedure to detect the occurrence of septal hematoma or septal abscess . These conditions should be treated as early as possible to avoid further serious complications. Since lipid keratopathy is difficult to treat once it occurs, care should be taken to avoid a septal abscess .
机译:理由:Epistaxis是一种常见的Otorhinolaryngological Encrother,但尚未以逾象的并发症报告隔膜脓肿。患者担忧:我们举报了一个51岁男子抱怨鼻塞和面部麻木3周的案例。他有遗产的历史,并在1个月之前在当地诊所的左鼻中隔膜的电容进行了治疗。诊断:关于鼻内窥镜检查,注意到隔膜的肿胀;进行了计算的断层扫描(CT),并显示了隔膜脓肿。干预措施:患者在局部麻醉下用切口和排水治疗。制备左垂直血红素混凝切口,排出4ml脓性物质。没有四点隔膜软骨。结果:在术后第5天,患者抱怨他的右眼上的视力模糊。左眼的视力为0.5,但右眼的敏锐度为50厘米。右眼检测揭示了在内侧侧面的白血管形成,脂质角膜病变的诊断。结论:在止血期间应小心地进行ePistaxis的电容,并且在程序中检测中间血肿或隔膜脓肿的发生后应该仔细随访。应尽早处理这些条件,以避免进一步严重的并发症。由于脂质角膜病难以治疗一旦发生,因此应注意避免隔膜脓肿。



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