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In vino justitia


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"This is the best day for wine-lovers since the invention of the corkscrew". That is the somewhat bubbly view of Clint Bolick, one of the successful lawyers in a ruling this week from the Supreme Court, which by a 5-4 majority freed up wine sales in New York and Michigan. But he has a point. The court ruled that states which allow their residents to buy wine directly from in-state producers cannot stop them buying wine directly from sellers from other states. The decision is a victory for small vineyards, which currently struggle to compete with the "three-tier system" that dominates the market: big wine-makers sell to big wholesalers who then supply the retail outlets. According to Jeremy Benson, a wine-consultant in California, the top 50 of America's 3,500 wineries are responsible for 87% of the country's sales.
机译:“这是自开瓶器发明以来对葡萄酒爱好者最好的一天”。这是克林特·波利克(Clint Bolick)的观点有些浮躁,他是本周最高法院一项裁决的成功律师之一,该法院以5比4的多数票释放了纽约和密歇根州的葡萄酒销售。但是他有一点。法院裁定,允许其居民直接从本州生产商购买葡萄酒的州不能阻止他们直接从其他州的卖方购买葡萄酒。对于小型葡萄园来说,这是一个胜利,小型葡萄园目前正在与主导市场的“三级体系”竞争:大型酿酒师将产品出售给大型批发商,然后由批发商提供零售。根据加州葡萄酒顾问杰里米·本森(Jeremy Benson)的说法,美国3500家酒庄中排名前50位的酒庄占该国销量的87%。



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