首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques >Broad-Band Poly-Harmonic Distortion (PHD) Behavioral Models From Fast Automated Simulations and Large-Signal Vectorial Network Measurements

Broad-Band Poly-Harmonic Distortion (PHD) Behavioral Models From Fast Automated Simulations and Large-Signal Vectorial Network Measurements


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We present an optimal experiment design methodology and a superior and fully automated model generation procedure for identifying a class of broad-band multiharmonic behavioral models in the frequency domain. The approach reduces the number of nonlinear measurements needed, minimizes the time to generate the data from simulations, reduces the time to extract the model functions from data, and when used for simulation-based models, takes maximum advantage of specialized simulation algorithms. The models have been subject to extensive validation in applications to real microwave integrated circuits. The derived model is valid for both small and large amplitude drive signals, correctly predicts even and odd harmonics through cascaded chains of functional blocks, simulates accurately load-pull behavior away from 50 OMEGA, and predicts adjacent channel power ratio and constellation diagrams in remarkably close agreement to the circuit model from which the behavioral model was derived. The model and excitation design templates for generating them from simulations are implemented in Agilent Technologies' Advanced Design System.
机译:我们提出了一种最佳的实验设计方法和一种出色的全自动模型生成程序,用于识别频域中的一类宽带多谐波行为模型。该方法减少了所需的非线性测量次数,最大程度地减少了从仿真生成数据的时间,减少了从数据提取模型函数的时间,并且在用于基于仿真的模型时,可充分利用专用仿真算法的优势。该模型已经在实际微波集成电路中进行了广泛的验证。导出的模型对于小振幅和大振幅驱动信号均有效,可通过级联功能块正确预测偶数和奇次谐波,在50 OMEGA范围外准确模拟负载-牵引行为,并在非常接近的情况下预测相邻信道的功率比和星座图同意从中得出行为模型的电路模型。用于从仿真生成它们的模型和激励设计模板​​在安捷伦科技公司的高级设计系统中实现。



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