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Solutions coaching? No problem! Part 2


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Solutions coaching is a powerful, highly pragmatic and emotionally intelligent method of coaching individuals and teams. Its guiding principle is simple - find what works and do more of it. The SIMPLE model sidesteps the search for the causes of problems and heads straight for the solution. Of course, simple does not necessarily equate with easy. There is a subtle skill to applying this approach that takes the coach beyond learned technique and into the realm of artistry. The coach needs to be extremely sensitive to the needs of the coachee and to be willing to flexibly adapt the model to the information that the coachee offers moment-by-moment. The first article of this two-part series looked at the core principles and the SIMPLE model of solutions coaching. In this second article the artful "how-to" of applying this approach is shown along with some practical tools for putting the technique into practice.
机译:解决方案教练是一种强大的,高度务实的,具有情感智能的教练和个人教练方法。它的指导原则很简单-找到有效的方法并做更多的事情。 SIMPLE模型避开了查找问题原因的途径,直接寻求解决方案。当然,简单不一定等同于简单。应用此方法有一种微妙的技巧,它使教练超越了学到的技术,而进入了艺术领域。教练必须对受训者的需求极为敏感,并愿意灵活地使模型适应受训者时刻提供的信息。这个由两部分组成的系列文章的第一篇介绍了解决方案指导的核心原理和SIMPLE模型。在第二篇文章中,展示了运用这种方法的巧妙“方法”以及将这种技术付诸实践的一些实用工具。



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