
The Latin Decade


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When the U.S. sneezes,the rest of the world catches a cold. That old chestnut is well understood in Latin Amer ica. The region has suffered numerous crises over the years, many of them provoked by events elsewhere. The high interest rate policies of the Volcker Fed, after all, triggered the Latin debt troubles back in 1982. The aftermath of the recent global financial crisis suggests a much different dynamic these days. Although Latin economic output contracted in 2009, the downturn was much more modest than in developed Western countries, and the region has made a much faster and more vigorous recovery. Private sector capital flows remain strong, and buoyant commodity prices are helping most countries maintain solid trade surpluses. Suddenly, it's Europe and the U. S. that are looking to juice their sluggish economies, partly by boosting exports to Latin America.
机译:当美国打喷嚏时,世界其他地方都会感冒。拉丁美洲的ica很好地理解了那个老栗子。多年来,该地区遭受了无数危机,其中许多危机是由其他地方的事件引起的。毕竟,Volcker Fed的高利率政策在1982年引发了拉丁债务问题。最近的全球金融危机的后果表明,如今的情况有所不同。尽管2009年拉美的经济产出收缩了,但经济衰退的幅度要比西方发达国家小得多,该地区的复苏更快,更活跃。私营部门的资本流动仍然强劲,大宗商品价格的上涨正在帮助大多数国家维持稳固的贸易顺差。突然之间,正是欧洲和美国正在寻求巩固其疲弱的经济,部分原因是通过增加对拉丁美洲的出口。



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