首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydroinformatics >Modelling the impacts of reservoir operations on the downstream riparian vegetation and fish habitats in the Lijiang River

Modelling the impacts of reservoir operations on the downstream riparian vegetation and fish habitats in the Lijiang River


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River flow regulations have great impact on the downstream aquatic ecosystem. It is important toninvestigate the response of target species to the changes in hydrological regimes so that we cannexplore possible remediation measures. Ecohydraulics models that integrate hydrodynamicsnprocesses and ecological processes have been shown to be efficient in achieving these objectives.nThis study developed an integrated model which combined a two-dimensional hydrodynamicnmodule with a vegetation evolution module and a fish habitat module. Owing to the abilitynto represent spatial heterogeneity and local interactions, the vegetation module used annunstructured cellular automata (UCA) approach. To describe the ambiguous relations betweennthe physical conditions and habitat suitability, a fuzzy inference method was applied to the fishnhabitat module. The developed model was applied to a compound channel of the Lijiang Rivernin southwest China, which has been greatly affected by the flow regulations of the QingshitannReservoir for navigation purposes. Through scenario simulations, the effects of flow regulation onnriparian vegetation and fish habitat were analyzed. According to the results, water releases in thendry season imposed negative effects on the downstream semi-aquatic plant Rumex maritimusn(R. maritimus) and Polygonum hydropiper (P. hydropiper) and favored the upland speciesnLeonurus heterophyllus (L. heterophyllus). Regarding to the effects on fish Spinibarbusnhollandi (S. hollandi) the results showed that water releases increased the suitability of thenspawning conditions, especially during wet and dry years, but had little impact on thenoverwintering conditions.
机译:河流流量法规对下游水生生态系统有很大影响。重要的是要调查目标物种对水文状况变化的响应,以便我们无法探索可能的补救措施。已经证明,将水动力过程和生态过程相结合的生态水力模型对于实现这些目标是有效的。由于具有表示空间异质性和局部相互作用的能力,植被模块使用了非结构化细胞自动机(UCA)方法。为了描述自然条件与栖息地适宜性之间的模棱两可的关系,将模糊推理方法应用于鱼类栖息地模块。所开发的模型被应用到中国西南部漓江河流域的一个复合航道上,该航道受到了青石滩水库通航法规的极大影响。通过情景模拟,分析了流量调节对灌木林和鱼类栖息地的影响。根据结果​​,干旱季节的水释放对下游半水生植物Rumex maritimusn(R。maritimus)和Poly属水pi(P. hydropiper)产生了负面影响,并有利于陆上物种Leonurus heterophyllus(L. heterophyllus)。关于对刺棘鱼(S. hollandi)的影响,结果表明,水的释放增加了当时产卵条件的适应性,特别是在潮湿和干燥的年份,但对越冬条件的影响很小。



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