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Politics, Religion, and Society in Latin America


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In September 2013, Gustavo Gutierrez, one of the fathers of liberation theology, celebrated a mass with Pope Francis, a startling turn of events given the ups and downs of that theological current. When he was the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger approved liberation theology, but with so many words of warning that it was close to a non-approval. Most of all, the Vatican and Catholic conservatives hoped that liberation theology would simply fade away. But it did not, and in a nearly 180-degree turnabout, the current prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Mueller, has recendy co-authored a book on liberation theology with Father Gutierrez.
机译:2013年9月,解放神学之父之一古斯塔沃·古铁雷斯(Gustavo Gutierrez)与教皇弗朗西斯(Pope Francis)庆祝了一场弥撒,随着神学潮流的起伏,事件发生了惊人的转变。当红衣主教约瑟夫·拉辛格(Joseph Ratzinger)担任信仰教理会负责人时,他批准了解放神学,但有很多警告语表明这几乎是未经批准的。最重要的是,梵蒂冈和天主教的保守派希望解放神学会逐渐消失。但事实并非如此,在接近180度的转弯中,现任信仰教理会会长格哈德·穆勒(Gerhard Mueller)大主教与古铁雷斯神父共同撰写了一本关于解放神学的书。



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