首页> 外文期刊>Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications >Enhanced Auditory Displays for Discriminating Landmines from Clutter Using Electromagnetic Induction Sensors

Enhanced Auditory Displays for Discriminating Landmines from Clutter Using Electromagnetic Induction Sensors


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Landmine detection is primarily performed using electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensors. These sensors detect the presence of metal and convey the information to the sensor operators via an audio signal. Reduction of false alarms from objects that contain metal but are not landmines, i.e. discrimination, is a challenging problem. Recent work on automated algorithms has shown promise towards reducing false alarm rates of EMI sensors. In this study, the audio signal was modified to encode the presence of metal as well as information regarding mine/ non-mine belief in order to determine whether the additional information enabled operators to better discriminate mines from clutter. Using data collected from real landmines, we experimentally investigated which perceptual dimensions most effectively convey different aspects of the information contained in the sensor response to a listener. Results indicated that the presence of metal (detection) could be coded in the fundamental frequency of the audio signal, and that mineon-mine belief (discrimination), determined using an automated algorithm, could be coded in a separate audio dimension. Operators performed better with this audio coding scheme than one where only metal content information was presented via the fundamental frequency of the audio signal.



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