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A curriculum for the climate emergency: what questions should we be asking?


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LARGE SECTIONS OF THE CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PROFESSIONS have declared a climate and biodiversity emergency. The consequences for the kind of work we take on and how we work are huge. Academia and industry must adapt what engineers learn throughout their careers to prepare for this new operating paradigm. Think Up wrote a guide to embedding sustainability in the undergraduate civil engineering curriculum in 2011 1. It reflected the prevailing thinking at the time that we could achieve more sustainable outcomes by building clever and building efficiently2. Since then, the situation has become more acute and people are now thinking about how to build less or indeed nothing3. Although we recognise the importance and interconnectivity of both the climate and biodiversity crises, in this article we focus on the climate emergency. According to the Paris Accord, we need to reduce our carbon emissions by 80% by 2030 if we are to have even a 50:50 chance of avoiding catastrophic global heating beyond 1.5°.



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