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Both the stimulation and inhibition of root hair growth induced by extracellular nucleotides in Arabidopsis are mediated by nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species


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Root hairs secrete ATP as they grow, and extracellular ATP and ADP can trigger signaling pathways that regulate plant cell growth. In several plant tissues the level of extracellular nucleotides is limited in part by ectoapyrases (ecto-NTPDases), and the growth of these tissues is strongly influenced by their level of ectoapyrase expression. Both chemical inhibition of ectoapyrase activity and suppression of the expression of two ectoapyrase enzymes by RNAi in Arabidopsis resulted in inhibition of root hair growth. As assayed by a dose-response curve, different concentrations of the poorly hydrolysable nucleotides, ATPγS and ADPβS, could either stimulate (at 7. 5-25 μM) or inhibit (at ≥ 150 μM) the growth rate of root hairs in less than an hour. Equal amounts of AMPS, used as a control, had no effect on root hair growth. Root hairs of nia1nia2 mutants, which are suppressed in nitric oxide (NO) production, and of atrbohD/F mutants, which are suppressed in the production of H_2O_2, did not show growth responses to applied nucleotides, indicating that the growth changes induced by these nucleotides in wild-type plants were likely transduced via NO and H_2O_2 signals. Consistent with this interpretation, treatment of root hairs with different concentrations of ATPγS induced different accumulations of NO and H_2O_2 in root hair tips. Two mammalian purinoceptor antagonists also blocked the growth responses induced by extracellular nucleotides, suggesting that they were initiated by a receptor-based mechanism.
机译:根毛在生长时会分泌ATP,而胞外ATP和ADP可以触发调节植物细胞生长的信号传导途径。在几种植物组织中,胞外核苷酸的水平部分受到胞嘧啶酶(ecto-NTPDases)的限制,这些组织的生长受到其胞外磷酸酶表达水平的强烈影响。在拟南芥属中化学抑制外切apyrase活性和抑制RNAi两种外切酶的表达均会抑制根毛的生长。通过剂量反应曲线分析,不同浓度的难水解核苷酸ATPγS和ADPβS可以刺激(在7. 5-25μM时)或抑制(在≥150μM时)根发的生长速度小于一小时。相等数量的AMPS用作对照,对根毛生长没有影响。在一氧化氮(NO)产生受到抑制的nia1nia2突变体和H_2O_2产生受到抑制的atrbohD / F突变体的根毛没有显示出对所施加核苷酸的生长响应,表明这些诱导的生长变化野生型植物中的核苷酸可能是通过NO和H_2O_2信号转导的。与此解释一致,用不同浓度的ATPγS处理根毛会导致根毛尖端中NO和H_2O_2的积累不同。两种哺乳动物嘌呤受体拮抗剂也阻断了细胞外核苷酸诱导的生长反应,表明它们是由基于受体的机制引发的。



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