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A changing paradigm on deworming: Work smarter, not harder, at preventing anthelmintic resistance


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WHEN I GOT MY "SMART PHONE," I HAPPILY PROGRAMMED MY horses' deworming dates into its calendar, so that I'd get a reminder every few months when it was time to buy some tubes of paste dewormer and treat my small herd. Turns out, that wasn't "smart deworming" at all. Cyprianna Swiderski of Mississippi State University, D.V.M., Ph.D., DACVIM, presented research at last year's American Association of Equine Practitioners convention about a new paradigm in deworming, a smarter way to manage parasites while guarding against resistance to the drugs that expel worms from the body (also known as anthelmintics). She advocates a targeted deworming strategy, evaluating horses' individual worm loads and managing them accordingly, rather than potentially over-treating some less-infected horses by simply going by the calendar.
机译:当我拿到“智能手机”时,我很高兴地将自己的马驱虫程序编入日历,以便每隔几个月就可以买到一些驱虫驱虫剂并治疗我的小群牲畜。事实证明,这根本不是“智能驱虫”。密西西比州立大学的Cyprianna Swiderski,DVM博士,DACVIM在去年的美国马术从业者协会会议上介绍了有关驱虫的新范例的研究,这是一种更聪明的方法来管理寄生虫,同时防止对驱除蠕虫的药物产生抗药性来自身体(也称为驱虫药)。她提倡有针对性的驱虫策略,评估马匹的单个蠕虫负荷并相应地进行管理,而不是仅仅按照日历来对一些感染较少的马匹进行过度处理。



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