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The Arts in Psychotherapy


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Flyvbjerg (2006) asks us to consider Kuhn's insight to remind us that "a discipline without a large number of thoroughly executed case studies is a discipline without a systematic production of exemplars, and that a discipline without exemplars is an ineffective one" (p. 242).The music therapy community has been fortunate to have a growing collection of exemplars through case study analyses in books edited by Bruscia (2006), Hadley (2003) and now Meadows (2011). Meadows captures the "complexities of clinical practice" (p. 22) in the cornucopia of approaches and models presented in 38 case studies by contributors from Europe, North America, Australia, South Africa and the Middle East. The 38 contributions from experienced music therapists all over the world are exceptional exemplars and offer nuggets of wisdom, experience and insight for both seasoned practitioners and students. It is a practical book as well, and a great resource book for teachers, students and practitioners who are looking for inspiration, support or another perspective from which to think about their work. In his introduction Meadow offers several ways to access information.
机译:Flyvbjerg(2006)要求我们考虑库恩的见解,以提醒我们:“没有大量经过充分执行的案例研究的学科是没有系统地产生样例的学科,没有样例的学科是无效的”(p。 242)。音乐治疗界很幸运的是,通过案例研究分析,在布鲁斯(2006),哈德利(2003)和现在的梅多斯(2011)编辑的书中有了越来越多的范例集。 Meadows捕捉了来自欧洲,北美,澳大利亚,南非和中东的研究人员在38个案例研究中所介绍的方法和模型在聚宝盆中的“临床实践的复杂性”(第22页)。来自世界各地的经验丰富的音乐治疗师的38项贡献是杰出的典范,为经验丰富的从业者和学生提供了智慧,经验和见解。这也是一本实用的书,也是一本非常有用的资源书,对于正在寻求灵感,支持或其他视角来思考其工作的教师,学生和从业人员而言。 Meadow在他的简介中提供了几种访问信息的方法。



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