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The Appearance of Printing Activity in the Romanian Space: an Integral Part of a European Phenomenon


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In the context of the European Cyrillic print, the printing activity in Wallachia occupies an important place, reflecting the degree of cultural development reached by Romanian principalities and, at the same time, constituting itself as an integral part of a European phenomenon. It is known that between the Romanian culture and the culture of the South-Slavic peoples there was a strong connection. The first printed books from Targoviste (1508-1512), executed by the monk Macarie, spread in the Slavic world, being used as a model for the books printed in this space. The relations of the Romanian written culture with the other cultures in South-eastern Europe manifested on several plans: the printing activity was in a constant evolution, printers, proofreaders, engravers or bookbinders coming to work in the Romanian principalities, the same way as the Romanian craftsmen produced manuscripts and books for the Balkan communities or even traveled to remote places to set up printing workshops.



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