首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Psychology >Educational attainment as a proxy for cognitive ability in selection: Effects on levels of cognitive ability and adverse impact

Educational attainment as a proxy for cognitive ability in selection: Effects on levels of cognitive ability and adverse impact


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The authors examined the differences in mean level of cognitive ability and adverse impact that can be expected when selecting employees solely on educational attainment as a proxy for cognitive ability versus selecting employees directly on cognitive ability. Selection using cognitive ability worked as a more efficient cognitive screen. Imposing an educational attainment standard of at least I year of college, though, did result in noticeably higher levels of cognitive ability in potential applicant pools than did random selection, meaning that educational attainment does work as a cognitive screen. These results held not only in a nationally representative sample but also within and across 6 different occupational groups. Finally, adverse impact is examined for selection using educational attainment, compared with selection on the basis of cognitive ability.



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