首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agriculture,Food Systems,and Community Development >To the American food justice movements: A critique that is also an offering

To the American food justice movements: A critique that is also an offering


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A love letter,that is also a Dear John letter an invitation, that is also a plea a vision,that is also a grievance that is also a call to actionTo the American Food Justice Movements:Thank you for your work. Thank you for the time, energy, and love you are all offering toprotect our dear Mother Earth. Thank you for defending our seeds, for growing dark and healthy soil, for fighting to defend our waters, for working in the interest of Life and all our relations. Thank you for caring about the young people in our communities, providing meaningful jobs, ways to find training and work (paid or not) that support the health and wellness of our communities. Thank you for honoring our elders, for respecting our ancestors' wisdom and ways of knowing across generations. Thank you for farmers' markets, community gardens, healthier corner stores, educational kitchens, grassroots restaurants, and food trucks. Thank you for seed banks and seed bombs, time banks and radical skill shares. For worker-owned cooperatives, land trusts, and community supported food systems. Thank you for the songs, poems, performances, books, novels, and documentary films. Thank you for permaculture, agroecology, and for supporting the struggles of food and farm workers.



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