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Beyond substance addiction: Broadening the concept of addiction to include behavioral addiction


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According to the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV-TR), the definition of alcohol dependence is based on tolerance, craving, withdrawal symptoms, and social/ occupational impairment due to alcohol use. Tolerance means that the subject is unable to feel the same effect from the alcohol that was felt previously with drinking, increasing intake to compensate. Withdrawal means that stopping intake suddenly can precipitate specific symptoms. Craving means that the desire for drinking is so strong that it makes a person act recklessly or obsessively to obtain liquor, challenging the limits of social acceptability. Acute or chronic excess ingestion of alcohol can cause problems in interpersonal relationships or at work, such as breaking important promises to family members or arriving at work late.Similarly, excessive gambling, shopping, sex, or use of the internet causes tolerance and withdrawal and craving, dysfunction of interpersonal, social, and occupational relationships. Because this maladaptive obsessive behavior is related to specific actions rather than the just intake of drugs or alcohol, it is known as 'behavioral addiction! Because there is no distinct category for these maladaptive behaviors



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