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Dr Moore's strange love or how I learned to stop worrying and love the internet.


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I cannot entirely pinpoint when I made the transition from being "young" to being "old," but I know, deep down, that it has happened. Temporally speaking, I am reasonable spry, but technologically, I am over the hill. I am a member of the last generation ("Generation X") who remembers when computers were not ubiquitous. I recall the day in third grade when one of the teachers pulled a handful of students aside to train us to use the first computers that our school purchased. It was an innocuous collection of personal computers (model: Apple IIe), which had been set up in a small room. Little did I know that a mere 30 years later I would go from not being able to identify a personal computer to feeling helpless when my Blackberry loses data coverage. Ah, "chasing the technology rabbit." Over these many years, I have done a reasonable job of keeping up, as have many of my colleagues. I have a smart phone, a Facebook account, a blog, and about 5 000 passwords that I am eternally forgetting. It is not that I am incapable of text messaging, Twittering, or any other such endeavor, I just do not see the point; ergo, "old." To place this in the context of Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations? I have moved from the "innovator" category to the "early majority adopter" category without so much slowing down in my rate of adoption, but rather my inability to keep up. C'est la vie.
机译:当我从“年轻”过渡到“老”时,我无法完全确定,但是,我深深地知道它已经发生了。暂时来说,我是个聪明的人,但是从技术上来说,我在山上。我是上一代(“ X代”)的成员,他记得当时计算机并不普遍存在。我记得三年级的一天,其中一位老师把少数学生拉到一边,训练我们使用我们学校购买的第一台计算机。这是一本无害的个人计算机(型号:Apple IIe)的收藏,它们被放置在一个小房间里。我几乎不知道,仅仅30年后,我将无法识别个人计算机,而当黑莓失去数据覆盖时,我会感到无助。啊,“追逐技术兔子”。这些年来,我和许多同事一样,都做了合理的跟进工作。我有一个智能手机,一个Facebook帐户,一个博客以及大约5000个我永远都忘记的密码。并不是我没有短信,Twitter或任何其他此类努力的能力,我只是不明白这一点。因此,“老”。将其置于罗杰斯的创新扩散背景下?我已经从“创新者”类别转移到“早期多数采用者”类别,而我的采用率却没有太大的放慢,而是无法跟上。这就是生活。



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