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Alcohol, wine, and vascular diseases: an abundance of paradoxes


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the "french paradox" is usually defined as a low rate of coronary artery disease (CAD) in France despite high prevalence of the usual CAD risk traits. In 1819 Dr. Samuel Black, an Irish physician interested in angina pectoris and perceptive about epidemiologic aspects, wrote what is probably the first relevant commentary (1). Noting much angina in his Irish medical practice but little discussion of this common symptom of coronary disease in the writings of French physicians, he explained the presumed disparity by "the French habits and modes of living, coinciding with the benignity of their climate and the peculiar character of their moral affections." It was to - be 160 years until presentation of international comparison data showing less coronary heart disease mortality in wine-drinking countries than in countries where beer or liquor drinking predominates (12). Confirmatory international comparisons plus reports of nonalcoholic antioxidant phenolic compounds and antithrombotic substances in wine, especially red wine (2, 11, 14), have created great interest in this area. A 60 Minutes TV broadcast (CBS: Nov 17, 1991) attributed the lower heart attack risk in France partially to red wine. Red wine sales in the US subsequently skyrocketed in the 1990s and remain high. Whether correct or not, the public has heard the implied message.
机译:“法国悖论”通常定义为在法国,尽管通常的CAD风险特征普遍存在,但冠心病的发病率仍然较低。 1819年,爱尔兰医生塞缪尔·布莱克(Samuel Black)博士对心绞痛感兴趣,并对流行病学方面有敏锐的见解,他写了大概是第一个相关评论(1)。他在爱尔兰的医学实践中注意到很多心绞痛,但在法国医生的著作中很少讨论冠心病的这种常见症状,他解释说,“法国人的习惯和生活方式与法国人的气候和特殊性相吻合”他们的道德情感的特征。”距提出国际比较数据已有160多年的历史了,该数据表明,与那些以啤酒或白酒为主的国家相比,饮酒国家的冠心病死亡率要低(12)。国际公认的比较以及葡萄酒,尤其是红酒(2、11、14)中非醇类抗氧化剂,酚类化合物和抗血栓形成物质的报告引起了人们对该领域的极大兴趣。 60分钟的电视广播(哥伦比亚广播公司:1991年11月17日)将法国较低的心脏病发作风险部分归因于红酒。随后,美国的红酒销量在1990年代激增并保持高位。无论正确与否,公众都已经听到了暗示的信息。



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