首页> 外文期刊>Applied optics >Joint segmentation and reconstruction of hyperspectral data with compressed measurements

Joint segmentation and reconstruction of hyperspectral data with compressed measurements


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This work describes numerical methods for the joint reconstruction and segmentation of spectral images taken by compressive sensing coded aperture snapshot spectral imagers (CASSI). In a snapshot, a CASSI captures a two-dimensional (2D) array of measurements that is an encoded representation of both spectral information and 2D spatial information of a scene, resulting in significant savings in acquisition time and data storage. The reconstruction process decodes the 2D measurements to render a three-dimensional spatio-spectral estimate of the scene and is therefore an indispensable component of the spectral imager. In this study, we seek a particular form of the compressed sensing solution that assumes spectrally homogeneous segments in the two spatial dimensions, and greatly reduces the number of unknowns, often turning the underdetermined reconstruction problem into one that is over-determined. Numerical tests are reported on both simulated and real data representing compressed measurements.



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