首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurophysiology >Doxapram stimulates respiratory activity through distinct activation of neurons in the nucleus hypoglossus and the pre-Botzinger complex

Doxapram stimulates respiratory activity through distinct activation of neurons in the nucleus hypoglossus and the pre-Botzinger complex


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Doxapram is a respiratory stimulant used for decades as a treatment option in apnea of prematurity refractory to methylxanthine treatment. Its mode of action, however, is still poorly understood. We investigated direct effects of doxapram on the pre-Botzinger complex (PreBotC) and on a downstream motor output system, the hypoglossal nucleus (XII), in the transverse brain-stem slice preparation. While doxapram has only a modest stimulatory effect on frequency of activity generated within the PreBotC, a much more robust increase in the amplitude of population activity in the subsequent motor output generated in the XII was observed. In whole cell patch-clamp recordings of PreBotC and XII neurons, we confirmed significantly increased firing of evoked action potentials in XII neurons in the presence of doxapram, while PreBotC neurons showed no significant alteration in firing properties. Interestingly, the amplitude of activity in the motor output was not increased in the presence of doxapram compared with control conditions during hypoxia. We conclude that part of the stimulatory effects of doxapram is caused by direct input on brainstem centers with differential effects on the rhythm generating kernel (PreBotC) and the downstream motor output (XII).



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