首页> 外文期刊>Acta Botanica Gallica: Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de France >Preliminary assessment of soil and floristic characteristics of degraded steppes of white armoise rehabilitated by the planting of Atriplex in the region of Sa?da (western Algeria) [évaluation préliminaire des caractéristiques édaphiques et floristiques des steppes à armoise blanche dégradées réhabilitées par la plantation d'Atriplex dans la région de Sa?da (Algérie occidentale)]

Preliminary assessment of soil and floristic characteristics of degraded steppes of white armoise rehabilitated by the planting of Atriplex in the region of Sa?da (western Algeria) [évaluation préliminaire des caractéristiques édaphiques et floristiques des steppes à armoise blanche dégradées réhabilitées par la plantation d'Atriplex dans la région de Sa?da (Algérie occidentale)]


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This study consist in performing a preliminary assessment of soil and floristic properties of degraded steppes of white wormwood in the region of Sa?da (western Algeria), rehabilitated by the planting of Atriplex halimus subsp. schweinfurthii and Atriplex canescens. The results show the adaptation of these two species to edaphic and climatic conditions of the study area with a success rate above 80%. Compared to the non rehabilitated perimeter (control), in the perimeters where the two species of Atriplex were introduced, we note improved recovery rate of vegetation, phytomass, thickness and humidity of soil. However, a slight increase of soil salinity characterizes the perimeter of Atriplex canescens. The plant inventory indicates a similar specific diversity in the three explored perimeters.
机译:这项研究包括对Sa?da(阿尔及利亚西部)地区的白色艾草退化草原的土壤和植物区系进行初步评估,并通过种植滨藜(Atriplex halimus subsp)进行了修复。 schweinfurthii和滨藜。结果表明,这两种物种对研究区的深水和气候条件的适应性均达到80%以上。与未修复的周边(对照)相比,在引入两种滨藜属植物的周边中,我们注意到提高了植被的恢复率,植物群落,土壤的厚度和湿度。但是,土壤盐分的轻微增加是滨藜属植物的特征。植物存量表明在三个探索的周界具有相似的特定多样性。



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