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Prevalence, social contexts, and risks for prepartying among ethnically diverse college students


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Prepartying, also known as pre-gaming, has emerged as a high-risk drinking event among U.S. college students. Research on factors related to prepartying behavior is in its relative infancy. The present study provides prevalence rates for prepartying across ethnic groups and examines how social context (whether prepartying took place with primarily male, female, or coed groups) and demographic factors may influence prepartying behavior. Participants were students from two West Coast universities (N= 2546) whom identified as White, Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA), Hispanic/Latino(a), or African American. The percentage of students who reported prepartying at least once in the past month, as well as the frequency and number of drinks consumed for prepartying occasions, varied by ethnic group and sex. A greater proportion of White students (60%) reported prepartying than Hispanic/Latino(a) (52%), African American (44%), and APIA (37%) students, though Hispanic/Latino(a) students who prepartied did so as often and consumed similar amounts of alcohol as White prepartiers. Across all ethnic groups, females who reported prepartying in coed groups consumed significantly more drinks than those who prepartied in primarily female groups. Finally, prepartiers within all ethnic groups consumed more drinks per week and experienced a higher number of alcohol-related consequences than non-prepartiers. The results suggest that future research and prevention programs should target prepartying and other high-risk events in at-risk students of ethnically diverse backgrounds and also consider the effects of gender in prepartying contexts on alcohol use.
机译:在美国大学生中,聚会前聚会(也称为预游戏)已成为一种高风险的饮酒活动。与预婚行为有关的因素的研究还处于初期。本研究提供了跨族群参加派对的患病率,并研究了社会背景(无论是主要是男性,女性还是男女同校团体进行派对)和人口统计学因素如何影响派对行为。参加者是来自西海岸两所大学(N = 2546)的学生,他们被确定为白人,亚裔和太平洋岛民(APIA),西班牙裔/拉丁美洲人(a)或非裔美国人。在过去的一个月中,参加过至少一次派对的学生的百分比,以及参加派对的酒水的频率和数量,因种族和性别而异。白人学生(60%)报告参加派对的比例高于西班牙裔/拉丁美洲人(52%),非裔美国人(44%)和APIA(37%)学生,尽管参加派对的西班牙裔美国人/拉丁裔(a)学生确实参加了派对因此经常饮酒,消耗的酒精量与白人前任议员相似。在所有族裔群体中,报告参加男女同校聚会的女性所喝的饮料明显多于主要参加女性聚会的女性。最后,各族裔的党派成员每周消耗更多的饮料,与酒精相关的后果比非党派成员要高。结果表明,未来的研究和预防计划应针对具有不同种族背景的高风险学生的聚会前和其他高风险事件,并考虑聚会前性别中的性别对饮酒的影响。



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