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Putting Evidence Academies into action: Prostate cancer, nutrition, and tobacco control science


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A well-documented challenge in moving public health research into practice is the extended time it takes to implement findings in clinical practice and communities. The Evidence Academy model (Rohweder et al., 2016), developed and first used in North Carolina, is a pragmatic, action-oriented model that aims to shorten this timeline by communicating cutting-edge findings directly to those who can use them and convening individuals working in a single topic area to network and plan activities for the future. The University of Pennsylvania Collaborating Center of the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN) held three conferences based on the Evidence Academy model: one about prostate cancer in 2015, a second on food access and obesity prevention in 2017, and a third about tobacco control science in 2018. A diverse planning committee of stakeholders helped shape the content, focus,and format of each conference. Local and national experts presented findings to regional audiences of researchers, practitioners, government leaders, and community members. Each Evidence Academy included collaborators and speakers from other Prevention Research Centers (PRCs) and CPCRN network sites. Evaluations and outcomes indicated that the events were successful in achieving their goals and fostered ongoing relationships among attendees. This paper illustrates how the Evidence Academy model was used in a different region and describes lessons learned and follow-up activities that were initiated via the Evidence Academy and with input from participants. Lessons learned may be helpful in developing and evaluating future adaptations of the Evidence Academy model and/or the effectiveness of its components.



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