首页> 外文期刊>The European Journal of Neuroscience >Temporal refinement of sensory-evoked activity across layers in developing mouse barrel cortex

Temporal refinement of sensory-evoked activity across layers in developing mouse barrel cortex


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Rhythmic whisking behavior in rodents fully develops during a critical period about 2 weeks after birth, in parallel with the maturation of other sensory modalities and the onset of exploratory locomotion. How whisker-related sensory processing develops during this period in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) remains poorly understood. Here, we characterized neuronal activity evoked by single- or dual-whisker stimulation patterns in developing S1, before, during and after the occurrence of active whisking. Employing multi-electrode recordings in all layers of barrel cortex in urethane-anesthetized mice, we find layer-specific changes in multi-unit activity for principal and neighboring barrel columns. While whisker stimulation evoked similar early responses (0-50 ms post-stimulus) across development, the late response (50-150 ms post-stimulus) decreased in all layers with age. Furthermore, peak onset times and the duration of the late response decreased in all layers across age groups. Responses to paired-pulse stimulation showed increases in spiking precision and in paired-pulse ratios in all cortical layers during development. Sequential activation of two neighboring whiskers with varying stimulus intervals evoked distinct response profiles in the activated barrel columns, depending on the direction and temporal separation of the stimuli. In conclusion, our findings indicate that the temporal sharpening of sensory-evoked activity coincides with the onset of active whisking.



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