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New material of North American side-necked turtles (Pleurodira: Bothremydidae)


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New cranial and postcranial material of the pleurodire family Bothremydidae, subtribe Bothremydina, from the Gulf Coastal Plain of North America, clarifies the distribution of the genera Bothremys and Chedighaii. New skull material from the Campanian Tar Heel Formation of North Carolina shows the presence of both Bothremys and Chedighaii, based on a maxilla and lower jaw. Additionally, a series of otic chambers and basicrania, while providing important information on morphology, are identified as subtribe Bothremydina, genus and species indeterminate, as the basicranium alone is insufficient to distinguish Bothremys and Chedighaii. An associated skull-shell specimen belonging to the pleurodire subtribe Bothremydina from the Campanian Mooreville Chalk of Alabama, FMNH PR 247, identified in Gaffney et al. (2006) as Chedighaii barberi, is reinterpreted as belonging to the genus Bothremys. A maxilla and jugal fragment found among the material belonging to FMNH PR 247 shows that this specimen has a skull with deep pits on its triturating surface, diagnostic of the genus Bothremys, and in contrast to the flat triturating surface of Chedighaii. Because FMNH PR 247 has an associated partial skull and shell, it was the basis for placing the species "Podocnemis" barberi Schmidt, 1940, the type of which is a shell, in Chedighaii Gaffney et al., 2006. A result of this identification is that the species "Podocnemis" barberi Schmidt, 1940, cannot be assigned to a genus, as the shell morphology of Chedighaii Gaffney et al., 2006, and Bothremys Leidy, 1865, cannot be distinguished at present. A review of the shell material in the subtribe Bothremydina concludes that shells alone are inadequate to reliably distinguish alpha-level taxa in this group at present. It is likely that ALAB PV 2001.2, NCSM 23681, and YPM PU 12951, here referred to Chedighaii sp., belong to a new species of Chedighaii, distinct from Chedighaii hutchisoni, but the material is too incomplete at present to adequately diagnosis it.
机译:来自北美海湾沿岸平原的胸膜蠕虫科Bourremydidae的新的颅和颅后材料,Bothremydina部落,阐明了Bothremys和Chedighaii属的分布。来自北卡罗来纳州坎帕尼亚焦油跟构造的新头骨材料显示,基于上颌骨和下颌骨,Bothremys和Chedighaii均存在。此外,尽管提供了有关形态学的重要信息,但一系列的耳腔和基础性耳蜗被确定为蠕形螨亚科,属和物种不确定,因为仅碱性皮不足以区分博耳麦和凯迪盖伊。一个相关的头骨壳标本,属于阿拉巴马州的坎帕尼亚穆尔维尔粉笔的胸膜下部落博特雷米德纳,FMNH PR 247,在加夫尼等人中鉴定。 (2006年)作为Chedighaii barberi,被重新解释为属于Bothremys属。在属于FMNH PR 247的材料中发现的上颌和颌骨碎片表明,该标本的颅骨在其研磨表面上具有深坑,可诊断出Bothremys属,而与Chedighaii平坦的研磨表面形成对比。由于FMNH PR 247具有相关的部分头骨和外壳,因此在Chedighaii Gaffney等人(2006年)中将“ Podocnemis” barberi Schmidt(其类型为外壳)物种放置的基础。原因是无法将1940年的“ Podocnemis” barberi Schmidt物种归为一个属,因为目前尚不能区分Chedighaii Gaffney等人(2006年)和Bothremys Leidy(1865年)的壳形态。对亚伯雷米蒂亚部落壳材料的评论得出结论,目前,仅壳是不足以可靠地区分该组中的α级分类群的。 ALAB PV 2001.2,NCSM 23681和YPM PU 12951(这里称为Chedighaii sp。)很可能属于Chedighaii的一个新物种,与Chedighaii hutchisoni不同,但是该材料目前太不完整,无法充分诊断。



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