首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Continence and micturition: physiological mechanisms under behavioral control

Continence and micturition: physiological mechanisms under behavioral control


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mice are important research tools for numerous reasons, including ease of genetic manipulation and breeding. Their use in studying bladder physiology/pathophysiology is well established. However, when one thinks of bladder function purely in terms of urinary storage and elimination, it becomes overly simplistic. The bladder is not an autonomous organ because its function can be volitionally regulated, affected by different behavioral/social situations, and influenced by sex. Of important historical interest, analysis of male mice voiding behavior using voiding spot assays (VSA) was published in Science well over 40 years ago (3). I was fortunate to have met Claude Desjardins, the lead author, when I was a T32-postdoc-toral fellow at the University of Virginia in 1995. Male mice were found to void differently based on their social rank (dominant vs. subordinate status). Subordinate males voided less frequently compared with dominant males, when placed together in the same vicinity. This effect of this social stress on male voiding behavior has subsequently been replicated by different investigators (2,4). Another type of stress, induced by a water avoidance stress test (psychological stress), has been shown to affect female rat voiding behavior (7).
机译:小鼠是具有众多原因的重要研究工具,包括易于遗传操作和繁殖。他们在研究膀胱生理学/病理生理学方面的用途是很好的。然而,当纯粹在泌尿储存和消除方面纯粹思考膀胱函数时,它变得过于简单。膀胱不是一个自主器官,因为它的功能可以是无与伦比的,受不同行为/社交场合影响的,并受到性的影响。重要的历史兴趣,在40年前在科学中公布了使用空缺点测定(VSA)的雄性小鼠空缺行为的分析(3)。我很幸运能够在1995年弗吉尼亚大学的T32-Postdoc-Toral研究员遇到Claude Desjardins。雄性小鼠基于他们的社会等级(占主导地位与从地位)不同。与主要雄性相比,下属雄性频繁减少,当在相同的附近放在一起。这种社会压力对男性排尿行为的这种影响随后被不同的调查人员复制(2,4)。通过水避免压力测试(心理应激)诱导的另一种类型的应力已经显示为影响雌性大鼠空隙行为(7)。



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