首页> 外文期刊>Advances in health sciences education: theory and practice >Defining useful surrogates for user participation in online medical learning

Defining useful surrogates for user participation in online medical learning


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"School for Surgeons" is a web-based distance learning program which provides online clinical-based tutorials to surgical trainees. Our aim was to determine surrogates of active participation and to assess the efficacy of methods to improve usage. Server logs of the 82 participants in the "School for Surgeons" were assessed for the two terms of the first year of the program. Data collected included total time online, mean session time, page requests, numbers of sessions online and the total number of assignments. An intervention regarding comparative peer usage patterns was delivered to the cohort between terms one and two. Of the 82 trainees enrolled, 83% (85% second term) logged into the program. Of all participants 88% (97% second term) submitted at least one assignment. Median submissions were four {eight second term) per trainee. Assignment submission closely correlated with number of sessions, total time online, downloads and page requests. Peer-based comparative feedback resulted in a significant increase in the number of assignments submitted (p < 0.01). Despite its recent introduction, "School for Surgeons" has a good participation rate. Assignment submission is a valid surrogate for usage. Students can be encouraged to move from passive observation to active participation in a virtual learning environment by providing structured comparative feedback ranking their performance.
机译:“外科医生学校”是一个基于Web的远程学习程序,它为外科手术学员提供在线的基于临床的教程。我们的目标是确定积极参与的代用品,并评估改善使用方法的功效。在该计划第一年的两个学期中,对“外科医生学校”的82名参与者的服务器日志进行了评估。收集的数据包括在线总时间,平均会话时间,页面请求,在线会话数和作业总数。一项关于比较同龄人使用模式的干预措施已交付给第一和第二项。在注册的82名学员中,有83%(第二学期为85%)登录了该计划。在所有参与者中,有88%(第二学期为97%)提交了至少一项作业。每个受训者的中位数为四个(第二学期八个学期)。作业提交与会话数,在线总时间,下载和页面请求密切相关。基于同伴的比较反馈导致提交的作业数量显着增加(p <0.01)。尽管最近推出了“外科医生学校”,但参与率很高。作业提交是使用的有效替代。通过提供对他们的表现进行排名的结构化比较反馈,可以鼓励学生从被动观察转变为积极参与虚拟学习环境。



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